[PSY-P 303] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (49 pages long!)

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Illness that you can take medicine for and get over - doesn"t usually kill you. Disease you live with for years before you die. Cost is increasing, same number of people are getting sick/dying. Shift to working together to combat illness. Set of analytic statements that explain a set of phenomena. Can see what"s already been done & design research that isn"t repetitive but builds on - saves time and money. Generate specific predictions that can be tested and modified. Multiple researchers" works can be combined to form a theory. Two or more different conditions are created to which people are assigned randomly and their reactions are measured. Natural variables: things you can"t change (ex: age, gender, if someone has a disease or not, etc. ) Randomized clinical trials: conducted to evaluate treatments or interventions and their effectiveness over time. Evidence-based medicine: medical interventions go through rigorous testing and evaluation of their benefits before they become the standard of care.