PSY-P 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Basilar Membrane, Ganglion Cell, Color Vision

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The result of neural impulses transmitted to the brain from sensory receptors that have been stimulated by physical energy from the external environment. Cornea: gathers, clear membrane that covers front eye, gathers/ directs incoming light, sclera doesn"t cover it. Iris: lets light, colored structure, ring of muscle that contracts to allow light in dim light expands to let light in and bright light narrows to reduce light. Lens: focus, behind pupil, lens focuses light through accommodation: thicken or thinning of lens to allow light to reach retina. Retina: receptor,thin, light sensitive membrane at back of eye, contains rods / cones (photoreceptors: how do glasses correct vision: Hyperopia(farsightedness): objects near retina appear blurry bc of focusing behind retina. Astigmatism: abnormal curve of eyeball, blurry vision. Long, thin, blunt ends more sensitive to light. Vision in dim light, better at detecting weak stimuli in dark. Slow adaptation to light(max sensitivity in 30 min: cones: