ANAT-A 215 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Vestibular Duct, Sacral Plexus, Cervical Plexus

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In addition to completing and learning the eye learning exercises, you should review the following: understand where tears are produced, their function, and how they are drained from the eye. Prevents bacterial infections(lysozyme/antibiotic like enzyme) lubricates anterior surface of eye to reduce friction from eyelid movement. Production/draining: tears are produced in the lacrimal gland. Fluid is dispersed across eye surface ( blinking ) Enters lacrimal puncta & drains into lacrimal canaliculi. Fluid from lacrimal sac drains through nasolacrimal duct & fluid enters nasal cavity: know the function and innervation of the extrinsic eye muscles. Cranial nerves lecture and review what kind of eye muscle problems you would have, if specific cranial nerves were damaged. Rectus muscles: medial rectus: adducts eye/moves medially, cn iii/ oculomotor, superior rectus: moves eye superiorly/elevates &adducts/medial, cn iii, lateral rectus: moves eye laterally/abducts, cn vi/abducens. Inferior rectus: moves eye inferiorly/depresses & medially cn iii.