GEOL 1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Radionuclide, Decay Product, Mass Wasting

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Cut the parent life in half and send the other half to the daughter side. Then you have to multiply the number of half-lives by how long each half-life is. *half-lives cannot be changed or altered in any way* The type of material involved (rock, soil, mud) The slow to very rapid descent of rock or soil. The maximum slope angle that loose unconsolidated material can have (30* to. Creep-very slow downslope movement of soil (less than a centimeter per year) Earthflow- earth moves downslope as a viscous fluid. Solifluction-flow of water-saturated soil over impermeable material (occurs in areas of permafrost) Debris flow-a flow involving soil in which coarse material (gravel, boulders) dominate. Mudflow-a flowing mixture of soil and water usually moving down a channel. Debris avalanche-a fast variety of debris flow, a rapidly moving turbulent mass of debris, air and water. Rockfall-when a block of bedrock breaks off and falls freely or bounces down a cliff.