SCM 461 Study Guide - Final Guide: Circular Economy, Precautionary Principle, Lean Manufacturing

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The bottom line of these three concepts intercepted is that if an organization or country sees benefits or society need a change, only then will environment change for the better. the environment can"t change itself. Close loop supply chain: sustainability chain: use and recycle. Make sure that they are complicit in human rights abuses. Uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally responsibility friendly technologies. Business should work against corruptions in all forms. Managing demand by techniques such as jit or lean logisitics. Fulfilling order frequency and priority that a firm desires. Transportation offers the connectivity among the supply chain through the. Different transport infrastructure regulations and service options. This is a trend the will affect transportation. Cost a fixed route nor port of call. Chaters: operate under the condition of supply and demand; do not have.