[PSYCH 101] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (46 pages long!)

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Estimated 100-1000 billion neuronal cells within the human nervous system. Define each: sensory neurons-responsible for detecting changes in external environment, motor- attach to muscles, control muscles, and regulate glands, interneurons-communication highway. Be familiar with the parts of the neuron labeled and defined in. A resting potential is a neuron"s stable, negative charge when the cell is inactive; while the action potential is a brief shift in a neuron"s electrical charge that travels along the axon. Absolute refractory period is the minimum length of time following an action potential during which another action potential cannot begin (1-2 ms in duration, generally). Describe the 3 stages of an action potential displayed in figure 4. 3: neuron stimulation causes a brief change in electrical charge. If strong enough, this produces depolarization and an action potential: this depolarization produces another action potential a little farther incomplete, as the action potential continues speedily down the axon, the first section has now completely recharged.