[POL S 215] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (26 pages long!)

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Document Summary

You"re protected if you don"t like the government. You can say what you want and do what you want as long as you aren"t violating laws. People live comfortably compared to other countries. All do certain things for the common good. Accepting of other opinions for the most part. Pressure on country to push for civil rights. Great depression poverty rate was 25%, still around 20% Congress refuses to budge from extreme views. Believe programs can solve things for people. Trust government to get involved with economics. Believe that government regulations would"ve saved from recession. More working class people are democrats rather than business owners. Osha- created agency to check businesses to make sure that they had safe working conditions. Epa- environmental protection agency, regulates clean air, water. Happy with tax on the wealthy, want to raise the rate on the wealthy. Rates change over time depending on who is president. Doesn"t believe that government should get involved in economics.