[P R 220] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 50 pages long Study Guide!

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Primary: the work you have to do, for specific question, question was not answered during secondary research. Secondary: you do this research first, already there, you do not have to pay to have it done, examples websites, books, databases, case studies, index, Survey: administer to large group, most data found. Content analysis: assign numerical values to different parts of newspaper not just print radio, to decide whether the content was positive, negative, or neutral. Ethnographic study: live a day in the life on customer or consumer example was better crocker bake mix. *measurement: form of research, statistic about budget for measurement research, ch. The role of ethics: not making up stories, we are telling the stories of company or clients, truth telling component is important, not ethical if not revealing the whole truth example is nike sweatshop, cocola with diabetes.