HIST 201 Midterm: History 201 Midterm 2 review

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Vocabulary: 8 will be on test and you will choose 4 to identify. Aedile- position julius caesar held in 65 bce. In charge of taking care of the city of rome (i. e. roads, buildings, markets), as well as festivals. Significate because this was during caesa(cid:396)(cid:859)s rise to power. Aeneas- ancestor of romulus a(cid:374)d e(cid:373)us i(cid:374) vi(cid:396)gil(cid:859)s (cid:894)(cid:1011)(cid:1004)-19 bce) epic poe(cid:373) (cid:862)the ae(cid:374)eid(cid:863) ae(cid:374)eas established a community in italy after fleeing from the burning ruins of his home city. Augustus- roman ruler from 27 bce to 14 ce. Pretended to restore the empire; was a patron of the arts and religious reformer. Added a lot of territory to rome during his reign. Caligula- crazy and unpopular roman ruler from the julio-claudian dynasty. Carthaginians- north african city of carthage, wars with carthage are called the punic wars. The three punic wars go from 264-146 bce. The first punic war was carthage trying to preserve their trading post at sicily, rome won.