HD FS 276- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 38 pages long!)

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Lack research on female orgasm, satisfaction (1/17/17) Sexual assault: coercion of a non-consenting victim to have sexual contact. Sexual harassment: unwanted sexual attention from someone in school or the workplace; includes unwelcome sexual jokes, glances, or comments, or the use of status or power to coerce or attempt to coerce a person into having sex. Rape trauma syndrome: stress response to rape scenarios happens in two stages. Acute phase victim often feels shock, fear, anger, or other related feelings. Long-term reorganization involves a restoration of order in the victim"s. Survivors" responses differ based on how they knew their attacker lifestyle and reestablishment of control: acquaintance depression, guilt, decreased self-confidence, suffer from thinking they have bad judgment, stranger anxiety, fear, startle response. Men"s role in preventing: sexual assault is not masculine. Definition of child sexual abuse: sexual contact with a minor by an adult. Boys more likely to be sexually abused by strangers.