HD FS 276- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 19 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Blastocyst cluster of cells prior to implantation. Embryo after implantation occurs week 2-8. Placenta around the uterine wall; provides oxygen, nourishment to the fetus. Umbilical cord approximately 22 inches; transports waste, nutrients, and oxygen. Pregnancy begins once implantation has occurred. Morning sickness = estrogen & progesterone irritating stomach lining. Due date: first day of the last menstrual period. Embryonic period: first 8 weeks following implantation. Heartbeat is detectable on an ultrasound at week 5-6. Liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs begin forming by the end of this trimester. Highest risk for spontaneous abortion is present during this trimester. Quickening fetus movement is felt by the mother. Gender can be identified via ultrasound at approximately week 20. Vernix protective coating over the skin. Fetus has a good chance of surviving if born in this trimester. During the 8th month organ system development is mostly finished. Brain development continues to occur until birth (and beyond)