HD FS 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lev Vygotsky, Egocentrism, Fast Mapping

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Body mass index (bmi): calculated by dividing weight (measured in kilograms) by height (measured in meters) squared, or wt/ht^2. Brain plasticity: the degree to which the brain can be altered by experience. Fine motor skills: abilities required to control the smaller movements of the hands and hinders such as picking up small objects and trying one"s shoes. Gross motor skills: abilities required to control the large movements of the arms, legs, and feet, or the whole body, such as running, jumping, climbing, and throwing. Individual differences: the variation among individuals on a characteristic. In-home care: child care that occurs in the child"s own home with a relative, nanny, or babysitter. Child-care homes: child-care settings in which a caregiver takes from one to six children into his or her home. Child-care centers: child-care settings generally run by trained staff in which children are divided into classes or groups of same-age children, and activities are designed for their particular level of development.