HD FS 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Object Permanence, Nonverbal Communication, Autism Spectrum

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Autism spectrum disorder: a disorder characterized by difficulty in expressing needs and inability to socialize. Autonomic nervous system (ans): the division of the nervous system that regulates many body activities without our voluntary control, such as breathing, blood flow, or digestion. Corpus callosum: the connection between the two halves or hemispheres of the brain. Directionality: a principle of development that refers to how body proportions change cephalocaudal means advancing from head to tail, and proximodistal means progressing from the center of the body outward. Dynamic systems theory: a perspective on human development that views the many facets of development as part of a single dynamic, constantly changing system. Individual differences: the variation among individuals on a characteristic. Multiple sclerosis: a disease in which the autoimmune system strips neurons of myelin, leaving to loss of motor control. Norms: average outcomes rather than actual or even ideal ones.