[COMST 325] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (20 pages long!)

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Communication technologies: means of communication that allow us to communicate without being physically co-present. Cmc: a wide range of technologies that facilitate both human communication and the interactive sharing of information through computer networks traditionally was limited to computers, but is expanding to include a wide variety of technologies (emc) Make distinction between using computers as tools or communication mediums. Interactivity: social: a communication medium"s ability to allow people to communicate back and forth with one another, technical: the ability to interact with the machine itself, textual: creative and interpretive action between uses and texts. Many cmc mediums are becoming more integrated to allow you to choose whether you want a/synchronous. Social cues: cues: context that gives us information about how to interpret messages/identities, some early cmc theories: Cues filtered-out: cmc has low "social presence" Hyperpersonal cmc: the tendency to exaggerate social nd personality cues exchanged through messages.