[CJ ST 240] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (28 pages long)

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Document Summary

Amendment i - freedom of speech, of the press, right to assemble peacefully, right to petition the government. Amendment ii - well regulated militia, right to bear arms. Amendment iii - no soldier can be quartered in any house without consent of owner. **** amendment iv - right of people to be secure in their houses, persons, and effects, reasonable searches and seizures. **** amendment v - i plead the fifth , no person can be held to answer for a capital, due process, no double jeopardy (can"t be tried twice for the same crime) **** amendment vi - right to a speedy and public trial. Amendment vii - right of trail will be preserved if value in controversy exceeds 20$ **** amendment viiii - no cruel or unusual punishment, excessive bail and excessive fines not required. Amendment ix - rights not specifically in the bill of rights, still belong to the people.