CHEM 167L Study Guide - Ideal Gas, Study Guide, Electromagnetic Radiation

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You should have an email with some information that we think will help avoid some of the problems we had in #1: study guide for exam #2 will be posted on. Wednesday: chapter 6: 6. 11, 6. 17, 6. 23, 6. 31, 6. 35, Higher t s e l u c e l o m f o velocity. Calculations: calculations with van der waals equation are similar to ideal gas law calculations, they are just much more tedious, improvements are quite modest until you get to high pressures, looks at example problem 5. 8. Comparison: look at the two equations, pv = nrt, and, (p + an2/v2)(v - nb) = nrt. Moving on: to this point, we have focused mostly on macroscopic level descriptions. Some components have been about atoms: now we need to spend some time looking at the atomic level in some detail, start with atoms themselves to establish knowledge for chemical bonding (next).