A M D 204 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Mass Customization, Product Placement, Guerrilla Marketing

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Chapters 1, 2, 11, branding lectures, and videos (in brands we trust and the. All of the following must not only be understood, but you must also be able to apply these concepts to examples. There may be a few concepts and terms on. They will be covered in the film we"ll view on feb. 6 and 9, & in lecture on feb. 11. Chapter 1: understan d the meaning of each of the concepts in the definition of aesthetic experience. Be able to differentiate between such concepts as: sensitive selection, appreciation, formal, expressive, symbolic, satisfaction, pleasure, non- aesthetic and aesthetic reasons. Identify how aesthetic aspects of the product affect the consumer. Kinesthetic: environmental fragrancing, cognitive experiences: reality, fantasy, entertainme n t. Chapter 11: understan d the differences between, developers, gatekeepers, promoters, be able to classify different professions. Branding: definitions of branding, brand equity, brand identity, brand image, brand personality, brand attitude, brand extension, co- branding.