TCH 210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lev Vygotsky, Tuberculosis, Cultural-Historical Psychology

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Classroom implications of cognitive developmental theory: developmentally appropriate practices (dap) Influenced by piaget"s theory: an approach to education children from birth to age 8, emphasizes the child as an ______________________________________, teacher"s role is to create an environment where the child can construct meaning. Piaget attacks the notion that learning is the transfer of knowledge from one person to another: every mind must _______________________________________________________, constructivism = a theory of learning (__________________________________________) Constructivist instruction: not just lecture, but provide experiences, ask questions, and encourage experimentation and deep thought teachers minimize, but do not eliminate, adult authority, variations, project-based instruction, discovery learning, teaching for understanding. Vygotsky sociocultural theory: born in russia in 1896, was a major intellect in russia but died of tuberculosis at age 37, works were banned after his death for political reasons until 1956, marxist views. In the 60"s and 70"s: theory of cognitive development appeared in english and had a huge impact on education.