PSY 110- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 55 pages long!)

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28 Mar 2018

Document Summary

They need a stimulant to get the focusing part of the brain to work: uses an empirical (scienti c) method. Naturalistic observation: watch and record behavior in natural environment, good for describing, not explaining. Surveys: question people via paper, computer, or interview, economical, practical, sometimes the only way to get data (example: about how people think, warning: self-reports may be inaccurate. Learning a change in behavior, resulting from experience. Classical conditioning a type of learned response in which a neutral object comes to elicit a response when it is associated with a stimulus that already produces a response. Unconditioned stimulus (us) a stimulus that elicits a response that is innate and does not require any prior learning. Unconditioned response (ur) a response that does not have to be learned, such as a reflex. Conditioned stimulus (cs) - a stimulus that elicits a response only after learning has taken place.