ANT 102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Homo Erectus, Homo Habilis, Homo Sapiens

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5 May 2016

Document Summary

5-1. 8 mya; time of cooling after warmer miocene. The period of the stone age associated with the evolution of humans. It predates the neolithic period. (old stone age) Most dominant tool in acheulian complex, sharp edge for both cutting and scrapping. Led team that recovered the black skull specimen. Extinct species of homini tribe known only through a handful of fossils. First discovered by team lead by richard leakey. Only lineage to survive, next stage was to evolve to humans low braincase low forehead no "chin" long and slender. Early species of homo and likely transcendent of h. habilis, first hominin species to migrate out of africa and into asia and europe. Ardipithecus ramidus not ancestor, thin molar enamel, bipedal ape shows evidence of bipedalism and arboreal activity but no indication of primitive peri honing complex. Louis leakey the anthropologist who believed africa was the place where people first orginated.