BIOL 2414 Study Guide - Final Guide: System For Information On Grey Literature In Europe, Sympathetic Nervous System, Varicocele

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1 Mar 2017

Document Summary

What happens if the body has low blood oxygen: primary function of rbc is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the various body tissues & to transport. Rbc contain hemoglobin which has a 4 polypeptide chain (globin) and 4 heme groups, each globin is bound reversibly to a heme (red-pigment molecule that contains 1 iron atom) Each oxygen molecule is transported by hemoglobin w/iron atom (iron is necessary for proper hemoglobin function), we breathe in oxygen to carry out cellular respiration/atp production. Epo = hormone produced by kidneys that stimulates rbm to produce more rbc. Epo mechanism: epo sends through process, epo released, cells in kidney are making hif & oxygen se(cid:374)siti(cid:448)e e(cid:374)z(cid:455)(cid:373)es (cid:894)(cid:449)ork o(cid:374)l(cid:455) (cid:449)he(cid:374) o(cid:1006) prese(cid:374)t(cid:895), e(cid:374)z(cid:455)(cid:373)es are(cid:374)(cid:859)t (cid:449)orki(cid:374)g (cid:271)/(cid:272) of lo(cid:449) o(cid:454)(cid:455)ge(cid:374) situatio(cid:374) (cid:272)auses. When blood oxygen levels decrease = epo increases = increase rbc production. More rbc = increased ability for blood to transport oxygen.