SPCH 008 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Audiometry, Speech Recognition, Speech Perception

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In terms of hearing, micro pascals is used. c. Awareness of sound, light and touch: perception- recognition and interpretation of a stimulus based on previous experiences, cognitive process, ex. Jnd (just noticeable difference)- loudness, pitch, localization: what are the 2 broad measurement techniques in psychoacoustics, yes-no technique- listener responds yes/no to each presented trial. Jnd, hear a difference: afc technique- alternative forced choice, listener is presented with a set of trials, correct response present during only one trial. Listener asked to select the correct one. (gdt: name the 3 psychophysical methods. Describe each one: method of limits- stimulus gradually increased/decreased (controlled by presenter, method of constant stimulus- discrete levels of stimuli presented randomly (controlled by presenter, method of adjustment- stimulus gradually increased/decreased (controlled by listener) f. Explain the signal detection theory: what are the levels of measurement as described by stevens, nominal- classi cation of items in categories. Nationality. c: ordinal- rank ordering (sorting) data.