PSY 153 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Perceptual Learning, Dishabituation, Habituation

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Habituation: getting used to common surroundings to the point where they have no effect on someone. Diminish attention from old new and pay attention to new news. Dishabituation: when something in the environment changes from what you have been habituated to and you once again start paying more attention to it. Perceptual learning- baby"s use all 5 sense to take in information about the world. Through their attention to things through these senses, they learn how the world works. Differentiation- the process by which infants actively search for and extract invariant features (those that remain stable) from a constantly changing perceptual world. Ex: babies learn to associate tone of voice with facial expressions. Affordances: the possibilities for action that an object or situation offers. This prevents them from constantly making errors in the physical world. Classical conditioning: baby"s may associate the appearance of a bottle with being fed. Operant conditioning: you associate your behavior with the consequence it will bring.