LIT 041 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Aeschylus, Tragedy, Socratic Method

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Be sure to be able to discuss each of the following names/terms/phrases: Hesiod contemporary of homer; 8th century bce; author of theogony, works and days; Heliconian muses 9 muses invoked in all/most poems of any sort; divine inspiration; calliope (epic poetry), cleo (history), euterpe (music/song, lyric poetry), erato (love poetry), melpomene (tragedy), polyhymnia (hymns), terpsichore (dance), thalia (comedy), urania (astronomy) Gaea/gaia/earth primordial being; essentially mother earth nowadays; more violent; chthonic being; mother of titans and 100-handed ones. Uranus/ouranos/heaven husband of gaea; the heavens above; primordial. Kronos first gen titan; leader; father of zeus, husband of rhea; ate his children; tricked by. Rhea who hid zeus from him so he ate a rock instead; killed by zeus; killed own father ouranos. Rhea wife of kronos; mother of gods; Pandora first woman created by gods in punishment for prometheus" theft; opened jar and released evils into world; trapped hope within the jar;