PSC 1001- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 47 pages long!)

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2. conservative revolutions from above ending in fascism, 3. peasant revolutions leading to. Western feudalism established institutions laid foundation for democracy. 2. even if the starting point is not decisive in itself, some may be much more ones 3) to obtain a share for the underlying population in the making of rules favorable to democratic developments than others. to develop. Ii. the process of modernization (preconditions) times has created conditions unfavorable to democracy of the western variety. 1. powerful central governments establish themselves in the 16th and 17th centuries in all major countries except the us (england, france, prussian part of germany, russia, china, japan, and india) 2. evil necessity (for purposes of stability) for democracy to develop. B. emergence of a rough balance between the crown and the nobility (wit degree of independence) 1. marxist theory: a vigorous and independent class of town dwellers has been an indispensable element in the growth of parliamentary democracy: no bourgeois, no democracy .