HIST 1011 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mercantilism, Musa I Of Mali, British Movement

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Muslim scholar from morocco that traveled all over dar al-islam, his journey was indicative of the integrative effects of dar. Chinese naval admiral who was a eunuch, and was also muslim. Led huge naval expeditions as a projection of military capacity and power. Last voyage marked the death of the emperor. Est. in 1240 with muslim majority, traded lots of gold and leather across the saharan desert. The world of islam; from southern spain to top half of africa, middle east, south east. They weren"t politically unified but were unified by language and religion. First major european explorer to travel to the east, i. e. china. Series of treaties that created the foundation for national self-determination in europe and ended the 30-years war. Europeans killed 50-90% of the native populations they touched. This was due to literally zero previous contact with these diseases and subsequently no resistance.