ENGL 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Depersonalization, Somatization, Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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21 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Hyperarousal, intrusion, constriction - symptoms: ptsd. Diagnostic category dms 3 (luckhurst p. 1: complex trauma. Multiple chronic prolonged and developmentally adverse traumatic events most often of an interpersonal nature (van der kolk) Negatively affects sense of safety, trust, and stability. Causes one not to have appropriate responses to events. Each incident in itself may not be severe, but the ongoing repetition of stress can adversely affect the psyche of the individual: annihilation anxiety. Failure of the cathexis of personal identity (expand: intrusion. No conscious effort to recall traumatic memories, but they still appear. Flashbacks and hallucinations (laub vivid imagery that"s not always visual ex: smell, taste, touch, sound) Reliving rather than remembering - emotional intensity: constriction. One of the three symptoms of trauma as defined by herman. Both reliving the trauma and avoiding the trauma results in a narrowing of the conscious and a withdrawal from relationship with others -herman. Lack of engagement with others - trouble with interpersonal relationships.