BISC 1112 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pseudopodia, Microfilament, Cilium

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1 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Types of locomotion: protists move using either: Flagella- one to a few long whip-like structures. Length of the flagella moves in a wave that pushes the cell forward. Snake uses similar techniques to swim and move. In some organisms, flagellum is held forward ahead of the cell, and the whip-like beat is backwards created a current that pulls the cell forward. In others, they are at the rear when beat is able to push the cell forward. Animals use cilia in their throats, nose, and ears. Power stroke- cilium is held rigid and pushes backwards to propel the cell forward (the power stroke) Return stroke- the cilium is flexed so that it does not push the cell backwards. In most, cilia is arranged in rows and bent slightly out of place with each other which keeps the cell moving at a constant rate.