RIU 320 Study Guide - Final Guide: Display Device, Sonographer, Ringdown

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Define range ambiguity and why this exists with cw imaging. An artifact that occurs when reflections from previous pulses are not received by the transducer before it sends out another pulse. The machine thinks it"s receiving echoes from the second pulse and places the received echoes closer to the transducer than they really are. (the prf is now automatically reduced in deeper imaging situations) Conventional cw radar cannot measure range because there is no basis for the measurement of the time delay. Define the term resolution and how this is affected by the size of the pulse. The word resolution signifies the ability or inability to distinguish between two structures or to visualize an activity. There are many important points about resolution such as: For resolution, smaller numbers are always better (it is better to able to resolve structures 1 mm apart than 7 mm apart) Resolution is a general term which can refer to many different aspects of ultrasound.