POLS 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Regulatory Agency, Direct Election, Implied Powers

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Bureaucracy (definition): the part of government that carries out the law. Job description (regulate; write rules): carry out government policy, enforce laws, write rules. Independent regulatory commission: independent of political control (bureaucratic agency which is structured to make it difficult for congress and the president to influence what they do) it is also an independent executive agency. Congressional remedies writing & amending legislation budget confirmation of nominees oversight (active vs. passive) nominations. Agency capture: when bureaucratic agencies stop acting for the industry of the voters and for the industry of their business (ex. For years the government decided which airlines were allowed to fly which route. Always follow the rules and give no one. Federal district courts: lowest level of court system (trial courts) Appellate courts: if you appeal your case then it goes here (circuit courts) Civil vs. criminal law: criminal (violations of criminal law and prosecuted by government) civil (everything else divorce, suing)