PSYC 100 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Sigmund Freud, Phallic Stage, Prenatal Development

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Nature versus nurture: the way you were born- nature, the way you were raised- nurture. Participants of different ages studied at the same time. One group of people studied over a period of time. Physical development---focus on our physical changes over time. Prenatal development: conception begins with the drop of an egg and the release of about. 200 million sperm: the sperm seeks out the egg and attempts to penetrate the eggs surface. The zygote---the first stage of prenatal development; lasts about two weeks and consists of rapid cell division. Zygotes: less than half of all zygotes survive first two weeks, about 10 days after conception, the zygote will attach itself to the uterine wall, the outer part of the zygote becomes the placenta (which filters nutrients). After two weeks, the zygote develops into an embryo: lasts about 6 weeks, heart begins to beat and the organs begin to develop.