GOVT 103- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 44 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Government is the institution through which society makes and enforces public policy. The public policies of a government are all the things a government decides to do. Any class on government must begin with basic definitions of the three. Judicial: the power to determine the meaning of laws. Constitution: document that outlines the powers, principles, structures and processes of a government. Two types: direct democracy def: public policy is made directly by the people. Does not truly exist in the world: indirect democracy def: the people choose others to represent their interests. Def: rulers are not responsible for the will of the people. Def: 1 person holds unlimited political power: oligarchy. Def: a small group or self-appointed elite hold all the power: unitary government, all powers held by the government apply to one agency does not mean dictatorship!, example: In england, the parliament holds all the government"s power. The local government exists only to relieve the parliament.