GEOL 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Continental Crust, Mercalli Intensity Scale, Mantle Plume

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Key terms: plate tectonics: earth system that illustrates relationship between rigid continental plates (lithosphere), and underlying less rigid asthenosphere. Theories on ocean basins and continents: previous theory, ocean basins and continents had fixed geographic positions and were of great antiquity, f. b. Ice: likely represents that the past positions of continents located near the poles. In response to areas of plate divergence, some continental plates converge into one another: result in the destruction of one plate, there are 3 scenarios that all involve subduction, continent to continent convergence (figure 2. 16c) Two low density continental plates collide and form tall, non-volcanic mountain belts (suture zone) Occur when both plates are capped with continental crust: ocean to ocean convergence (figure 2. 16b) Occurs when older, colder, and denser oceanic crust subducts under younger and warmer (more buoyant) oceanic crust. Produces island arc volcanism and deep ocean trenches. Japan, aleukan islands, alaska: continent to oceanic convergence (figure 2. 16a)