EVPP 108 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Bond Energy, Sodium Chloride, Atmospheric Circulation

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Environmental science the study of how the natural world functions and how humans and the environment interact. What are the steps to the scientific method: observation, question, hypothesis, experiments, analysis/interpretation, conclusion. Null hypothesis (ho): the parameter that you are testing will have no effect on the outcome of the experiment. Alternative hypothesis (ha): the parameter that you are testing will have a specific effect on the outcome of the experiment. A hypothesis can either be accepted or rejected not proven or disproved. Theory: a commonly accepted explanation which is never proven or disproved, based on a series of facts consistently supported (ex. In the scientific method, a(n) _____________ is a tentative explanation for a phenomenon, phrased in such a way as to be testable hypothesis. The process of science cannot prove a hypothesis to be true. What are the three main states of matter? liquid, solid, gas. Compound: two or more types of atoms combined.