INTA 1200- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 117 pages long!)

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Institutions- organizations where governmental power is exercised: school systems, congress, cdc, presidency, courts. Information asymmetries: free- rider problems, credible commitments, single event games. Institutions: stable social structures or patterns that influence and organize human activity institutions are needed to overcome dilemmas, formal: organizations, rules, laws, regulations . Politics and government: politics, government- ability to mobilize authority over group of people. Republic vs democracy influence budget in town or city: republic- employs representation, which is required for large country, safer than direct democracy because representatives make more rational decisions. James madison: political is personal we want to vote based on how strongly we feel on certain subjects, contention as democratic resource, adversarial and agonistic pluralism abandon rational consensus; protesting leads us towards better system. French- indian war taxing colonists; coercive acts (housing soldiers); limiting governing structure; Administrative justice act; not much colonist representation in parliament: benefits for british colonists: military defense, resources/ investment.