BIOL 1511 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cork Cambium, Hox Gene, Ovule

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23 Sep 2017

Document Summary

**not representative of everything that will be on the exam, but hopefully this well help! Multicellularity: allowed for efficiency at doing fewer tasks, aggregation of cells and differentiation into specialized cell types. Small size of cell = high surface area to volume ratio. Reliable, time efficient, energy saver, quick population growth. Variation, recombination masks deleterious alleles, good when environment is changing. Takes a lot of energy, less offspring produced, slower population growth. General development: 5 processes controlling development, cell proliferation, programmed cell death, cell movement/differential expansion of part of the cell, cell differentiation. Induction: metazoan early development, zygote undergoes cleavage to form eight cell stage which undergoes cleavage to form the blastula which undergoes gastrulation, protostome has spiral and determinate cleavage, deuterostome has radial and indeterminate cleavage. *think about the differences between protostome and deuterostome development* *why do we believe multiple copies of hox genes to be so important*