APPH 3753 Study Guide - Final Guide: Thoracic Cavity, Medullary Cavity, Adrenal Gland

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Key for digestion absorb mol into bloodstream. **do(cid:374)"t (cid:374)eed to k(cid:374)ow this retroperitoneal s suprarenal glands a aorta/inferior vena cava d - duodenum p - pancreas u - ureters c colon (asc & desc) k - kidney e esophagus r rectum. 15-20 diagrams terminology supine, prone, directional terms: planar terms . Coronal/frontal front and back transverse top and bottom: anatomical regions. Abdominal pelvic regions - 9 body regions. Llq left uretur, left ovary, ureter, right ovary, right left spermatic cord spermatic cord: vocab terms. Antebrachium: forearm depressed area in front of elbow. Forearm: lower extremity b/w elbow and wrist. Groin: root of thigh between torso and leg. Mastoid: area of skull below & behind ear. Volar: palm or sole: body cavity . Posterior cranial cavity and spinal cavity. Ventral/anterior thoracic, abdominal, pelvic thoracic right pleural, left pleural, mediastinum pericardial. Abdominal -- peritoneal cavity -- digestive organs. Pelvic last portion of digestive, repro organs, urinary bladder skin no disorders functions.