APPH 1040- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 48 pages long!)

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Chronic diseases: more than 75% of nation"s total medical costs, 7 of 10 causes of death were chronic diseases, heart disease and cancer together, account for nearly 48% of all deaths. Inspiration and challenge: financial, spending, know what you spend on and spend less than earnings, emergencies, 3 to 6 month of saved income for unforeseen event, guidance. Investments: diversified portfolio with long term investment strategy. Health disparities: for many ethnic and racial populations, disparities are due to, lack of availability of quality care, high cost of care, lack of insurance coverage. Issues result in: shorter life expectancy, higher rates of diabetes, cancer, heart, disease, infant mortality. What can you do: critical consumer of health information, be aware of risk factors and how to minimize them, take action, education is not enough! Increase awareness of behaviors: contemplate changing behaviors, prepare for change, take action to change.