PSYC 4430 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lexical Decision Task, Metacognition, Information Processing

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Information processing: needs the coordinated operation of active mental processes within a multi- component memory system with both temporary and permanent storage. The more attention you pay to something the more that you will remember it. We respond to both sensory and conceptual information. Info is represented as visual, verbal, semantic etc We are aware of our own thinking processes (meta-cognition) Used to describe a structure or a specific process. Separate stages which can be broken down into steps. Lexical decision task: answer yes or no if the stimuli is a word/non-word. Each of these is a stage of processing and can still be broken down into its own stages. Stages are independent but overlapping (later stages influence earlier stages) Ex) memory: sensory information can go to stm and ltm- ltm fills in info (proof reading) *key problem is that strict does not include top->down processing (context)