PSYC 2900- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 21 pages long!)

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Defining psychological disorders: psychological disorders are patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional, notice the 3d"s of psychological disorders , deviant this means the behavior strays from what is normal. They must also be bothered by what they do or see it as problematic: dysfunction the abnormal behavior must also create problems in the person"s life. Whereas distress is on the inside, dysfunction sees the problem carried out in real life. Understanding psychological disorders: therapies for psychological disorders have been very crude in the past. This started the movement towards hospitals and away from jail cells. It also started two new approaches to psychological disorders : the medical model is a movement that looks for biological causes of mental disorders. All three dance together: different cultures tend to have different disorders. Classifying psychological disorders: people to classify things to define order. Reptiles or mammals or birds based on their characteristics.