PSYC 2010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Effect Size, Causal Inference, Statistical Hypothesis Testing

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One group is experimental and one is control. Each participant gets each level of the iv. The effect between the iv and dv is due to a third variable that exists in system that is different between levels. External validity how well the results of a study can be generalized to other settings, and participants. Complete participants are exposed to each level of the iv more than once. Incomplete participants are exposed to each level of the iv just once. Linear practice effects improve steadily over time. Practice effects cause a confounding non-linear practice effects are confounds. Complete designs, practice effects are balanced within participants. Incomplete designs, practice effects are balanced across participants. Balancing practice effects each condition must be present in each ordinal position equally. Complex design more than one iv examined simultaneously. 2x2 2 iv, each with 2 levels. 3x4x5 3 ivs, one with 3 levels, one with 4, one with 5.