HIST 1100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jim Crow Laws, National Labor Union, Sherman Antitrust Act

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Gilded age equals complete laissez-faire economy (aka government puts no regulations on any businesses and does not help failing businesses) this makes way for monopolies. Major monopolies in this time period were oil (rockefeller & his standard oil company), steel (carnegie & then jp morgan), railroad (vanderbilt) During this time period, all the presidents were termed forgettable presidents because they did nothing (hayes, garfield, arthur, cleveland, harrison, mckinley) Sherman anti-trust act (1890) - passed, but not used or put into affect until progressive era by teddy roosevelt. Social darwinists (think biology & evolution here!) whoever is the best and most fit should handle the money & wealth - main argument. Gospel of wealth - carnegie (if you had money, you should use it to benefit society and others) Labor unions - national labor union (first national union), knights of labor (all workers) and then american federation of labor ( bread & butter , practical union)