[ARHI 1102] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (15 pages long!)

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Early india saw the vedic period, which included the origin of many major religions, including buddhism, hinduism, and janism. The vedic period in early india lasted from 1500 to 500. Bce. development of buddhism, hinduism, and janism occurred on the later vedic period. Vedas, a series of texts written in sanskrit, which are belied to show the realization of brahman. The vedas were written and rewritten and compiled over the course of the vedic period. The vedas reference numerous deities that later came to influence the beliefs of hinduism. The vedas also established various ritual practices later adopted by hinduism. Buddhism started in india with siddhartha gautama, the o(cid:396)igi(cid:374)al buddha, o(cid:396) (cid:862)e(cid:374)lighte(cid:374)ed o(cid:374)e(cid:863), (cid:449)ho (cid:449)as born in the. It developed as a reaction to the rigid social system established by the vedas in india. Buddhists believe in reincarnation and the concepts of karma and dharma.