ANTH 1200 Midterm: Physical Anthropology Exam 1 Guide

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Anthropology: greek word anthropos ( human ) and logia ( study ), it is the study of humankind, from its beginnings millions of years ago to the present day. Archaeology examines our past ways of life through the interpretation of material culture, organic remains, written records, and oral traditions. Biological anthropology deals with the evolution of the human body, mind and behavior as inferred through study of fossils and comparisons with behavior and anatomy of other primate species. Cultural anthropology explores the diversity of existing human ways of life, how they work, how they change, and how they interrelate in the modern world. Linguistic anthropology examines the structure and diversity of language and related human communication systems. The study of humans as biological organisms, considered in an evolutionary framework. The study of the interaction between biology and culture, which plays a role in most human traits. Is a science & uses the scientific method.