[SOP 3004] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (45 pages long!)

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30 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Our sense of self is highly dependent on our social world. Social surroundings affect our self-awareness (e. g. , man getting a pedicure is hyper-aware of his gender) Self-interest colors our social judgement (e. g. , drivers thinking pedestrians need to pay more attention; pedestrians thinking drivers need to pay more attention) Self-concern motivates social behavior (e. g. , deciding what to wear) Social relationships define sense of self (dependent upon your multiple roles, e. g. , as an employee, student, daughter etc. ) Spotlight effect belief that people are pay more attention to us than they actually are. Illusion of transparency the illusion that our concealed emotions can be easily read by others (cid:894)e. g. , thi(cid:374)ki(cid:374)g e(cid:448)er(cid:455)o(cid:374)e k(cid:374)o(cid:449)s that (cid:455)ou"re (cid:374)er(cid:448)ous or embarrassed) Self-concept how you would describe yourself. Social self social identity, how we relate to others, social roles. Self-knowledge how we describe ourselves / our behaviors. Self-esteem how positively or negatively we feel about ourselves.