PSB-2000 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ontogeny, Twin Study, Neuroglia

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20 Nov 2013

Document Summary

Differentiate among and give examples of the biological explanations of behavior: Functional, ontogenetic (dealing with the individual), biological, evolutionary (evolution of the species), physiological. Discuss why animals are used in research and what limitations there are. Sex linked recessive: shows up in men more than women. Sex limited: expression is influenced by sex hormones. Knock out mice: mice with certain gene removed. Lecture 3:cells of the nervous system: neurons and glia (12 questions) Describe the diff. types of neurons & how they pass info efferently and afferently. To the muscles/ motor neurons = efferent (on the spinal chord) To keep diseases out of the brain. Lecture 4: the resing membrane potential (7 questions) More sodium outside the cell, and more potassium inside. So based on this sodium wants to go in, and potassium out. Based on charge both want to go in. Sodium can t go into the cell because the membrane is semipermeable.