PSB-2000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Splanchnic Nerves, Zeitgeber, Vagus Nerve

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20 Nov 2013

Document Summary

Environmental factors, most typical zeitgeber for humans is light. Describe the cycles of the proteins and hormone associated with biological clock regulation. Awake, stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 & 4, Because it looks like stage 1/awakeness but it is the deepest form of sleep. List the areas of the brain involved in arousal and wakefulness and the neurotransmitters that they signal with (use the matching study guide!). How much is impacts someone"s daily life describe two conditions that are caused by interrupted sleep. Describe the main components of a homeostatic system. Osmotic thirst: increased salt content of extracellular fluid and hypovolemic thirst: fluid loss (bleeding, sweating, diarrhea) It reabsorbs water, so fluids can flow back to the cells. High angiotensin-ii levels, low blood pressure, and low sodium levels promote release of aldosterone from adrenal glands causes kidneys, salivary glands, and sweat glands to retain salt together with angiotensin-ii, promotes behavioral preference for high concentrations of salt.