PSB-2000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Zeitgeber, Catechol-O-Methyl Transferase, Lightdark

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27 Sep 2013

Document Summary

When the cell is at rest, which ions are most highly concentrated inside of the cell, and which ones are most highly concentrated outside of the cell? (na+ & ca2+),( )k+, cl-() The inside of the neuron is more negatively charged than the outside of the neuron and the neuron is said to be polarized: prepares neuron for action potential. Sodium is more than ten times more concentrated outside the neuron"s membrane than inside the neuron; cl is more concentrated outside too! At rest ions highly concentrated outside cell: na+ & cl-. Inside cell k+& negatively charged organic molecules: understand the forces working on the ions (electrical gradient and concentration gradient). Concentration gradient: ions flow from areas of high concentration to low! (sugar in water) Electrical gradient: ions flow to areas of opposite charge (opposites attract: negative to positive, positive charge to negative. Proteins in the membrane that control the entry of sodium into the cell.