PPE-3003 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Microsoft Powerpoint, Heritability, Sensation Seeking

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12 Dec 2018

Document Summary

Study guide for exam 2 chapters 5-9 (plus the end of ch 4) Chapter 4 we spent a little time covering the end of chapter 4 when we began unit 2. Understand the information presented in the powerpoint slides. Treated students differently in climate, feedback, input (say more, present more information), and output (more opportunity to express themselves). What were the findings of their study: how do expectancy effects tend to work in real life, expectancies are likely to be correct ex: person in front of classroom is professor. Especially strong when held by more than one important person for a long period of time. They come from behavioral patterns and stereotypes: what is the difference between the pragmatic accuracy approach and the constructivist accuracy approach, pragmatic accuracy approach judgement accuracy = successful social interaction. Based on first impressions and mostly automatic: constructivist accuracy approach judgement accuracy = agreement among judges (inter-rater reliability).