EXP 3422C Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Tabula Rasa, List Of Psychological Schools, Animal Cognition

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12 Dec 2018

Document Summary

Key names: plato (430-347 bce) nativist; believed all knowledge is inborn (internal soul) and life experience uncovers it. Was a disciple of socrates whose cornerstone of thought was his theory of forms, in which there was another world of perfection: aristotle (384-322 bce) empiricist. Agreed that we have a mind for free will/reason but argued that we have a body (ex: reflexes). First to look at human and animal cognition. I think, therefore i am : john locke (1600s) empiricist; came up with tabular rasa stating babies are born as a blank slate. Philosophers had no experiments: charles darwin (mid-late 1800s) nativist; believed in natural selection. Traits vary, traits are heritable, and resources are limited so there is non-random survival: william james (1800s) empiricist; first psychology teacher and textbook author, jb watson school of methodological behaviorism. Measure behavior instead of having people try to state it (introspection=stupid). Complicated behavior is string of s r: clark hull school of neobehaviorism.